Friday, March 19, 2010

Upperbody Condition for Parkour / Freerun

hey guys
sori sbb dh lme x update
x de idea nk ltk ape
lg pon lme x freerun ngan member2 terbaek
aku ade planning ngn leader team nk
pg parkour kt KL tpi x pasti ah sbb
member kiteorng yg bername fikrie
flight canceled sbb ade sandstorm
ape kte kite berdoa yg die dpt smpai msia
dngn slamat dan smpai dgn cpt
lets talk about the topic
  • increase upperbody workout is useful for parkour especially for
1. handstand
2. cat leap
3. muscle ups
4. flag

  • there's a lot of stuff u can do to increase upperbody strength
for example:
1. my favourite: push ups
2. wide push ups
3. diamond push ups
4. pull ups
5. chin ups
6. muscle ups

GOT TO GO! [my friends is calling me, i'm going to update soon]
remember the motto of parkour: safety first